• In the many years history of the village, there has not been a single incident of theft, riots, murder or rape.
  • Nobody from the village has ever gone to a home of the aged. Nor has there been a single complaint lodged in a police station.
  • Until now there has been a government office here, because with the government office come a door and a lock.
  • Here, in the village, a ghost or spirit has been sighted. Nor has anyone from this village beaten by anybody from any other village.
  • There is no liquor, gambling or non-vegetarian food here.
  • All the people here are from the lineage of Chatrapati Shiavaji Maharaj’s Marathi speaking people of the same caste and religion.
  • In the Gram Panchayat, there is never an election or panel. A single vote is final and the decision is universally accepted.
  • The Peepal trees here have the hanging roots like that of the Banyan tree.
  • Everyday, here, there is business done worth at least 1 lakh.
  • The elderly people of this village observe fasting on Saturday. And they start any important work of their homes on Saturday
  • All the devotees from South India, North India and foreign countries become entranced with devotion here.
  • In the times of Acharya Udasi Baba, there would be only three people visiting the shrine. Namely, Dagdu Changediya, Hastimal Chnagediya and the mother of Badri Tokse. They too used to come only on Saturday. Now, daily there are over 13000 visitors.
  • Countless people come to offer oil to God Shani. Sometimes, 101 boxes and at other times 1 quintal and at other times a tanker of oil is offered to God Shani.
  • On the occasions of Shani Amavashya and Shani Jayanti, over 10 lakh people come here.
  • If any thing of any devotee, like a watch, chain, golden ring or any other precious item, then they get it back immediately.
  • Nobody robs any body here. On the other hand, they help one another.
  • Bad people like pick-pockets, thieves, dacoits, alcoholics and meat eaters do not come here. If they do come here, they behave like good people. This has been the experience of Mr. Mohar Singh, a resident.of Nashik Road’s Jail Road.
  • There are no incidents and experiences of fraud and untruth here.
  • Not only are there no door of house here, the minds also are always open.